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Georgina Hernandez struggles to defend Leni Robredo’s video to the United Nations

Leni Robredo is like a cancerous tumor who needs to be removed as soon as possible. As long as she’s occupying the VP post, our country won’t be able to move forward.

The drug lords, the gambling lords, illegal miners, police scalawags etc. will keep defying President Duterte for as long as Leni is there, waiting in the wings. They’ll keep destabilizing the country and trying to oust President Duterte, because they know they have a dummy ready to take over.

But if Leni is out, they won’t have any incentive anymore to keep destabilizing the country. There won’t be any point, because they won’t be able to control the successor. They’ll be forced to behave.

There’s no doubt that Leni was acting in bad faith when she did that UN video. Anyone in President Duterte’s team who says otherwise, or tries to make excuses for her by saying she’s just being “used” or “misled”, needs to have his brain and his loyalty checked.

Just watch this interview of Leni’s spokesperson, Georgina Hernandez, trying to defend her amo. I don’t know what Pia Hontiveros ate, she’s normally so pro-yellow, but she really pinned Georgina down in this interview. Well done, Pia.

Georgina couldn’t come up with a straight answer when Pia asked for general descriptions of the “victims” who supposedly went to the OVP to complain about palit ulo. Georgina also evaded Pia’s question on whether or not the OVP verified the claims of the supposed “victims” with the PNP before blabbing to the world that the PNP can’t be trusted. Georgina just kept saying the OVP wrote to the PNP to ask for information about the drug war in January but got no answer. Stop lying, Georgina. You’re not even answering the question. You can’t answer because you never consulted to PNP about your outrageous accusations before you did that video.

Because your goal wasn’t really about helping the “victims”. Your real goal for doing that video was to discredit the drug war, discredit the PNP, and discredit President Duterte in the eyes of the world.

Now here comes your amo, pretending she has no idea why the House Speaker said impeachment charges might be filed against her. Leni has already been caught with her pants down, yet she still tries to play coy and innocent. It’s so disgusting.

#LeniPowerGrabber, #LeniResign, #ImpeachLeni have been trending on Twitter for almost three days, and people who used to be on her side have been exploding in anger, yet Leni still refuses to acknowledge the gravity of what she has done.

I’m more convinced than ever that she knows she didn’t win the elections, but went ahead and occupied the VP post anyway. She couldn’t even gather more than a few hundred people at her “prayer rally” in Naga to protest against Nagaleaks this weekend. Yet she wants us to believe she “won” by a landslide in godforsaken places in Mindanao where no one knows her.

We’ll only have peace and progress in our country after she is gone. Whether it’s impeachment or a recount, I hope it happens soon. Every minute counts, because Loida, Trillanes, etc are also working overtime to oust Duterte since they know Leni’s time is running out.

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