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FIRING LINE: Look who’s talking

By Robert B. Roque, Jr.

First, I have to commend Vice President Sara Duterte for carrying the torch of human rights as she condemned the police operation that brought tremble to the well-fortified Kingdom of Jesus Christ compound.

Like an angel from the heavens, our dear VP, I imagine, cloaked in white, demanding tolerance and civility among the uniformed ranks in dealing with people who claim to be of God — the likes of Pastor Apollo Quiboloy, whose assertion is that he is “the appointed son of God.”

But let’s peel through the cry for justice offered here by an eloquent Inday Sara. Is not this pastor she so ardently defends the same man accused of heinous crimes, including sex trafficking of underage girls, fraud, and coercion?

Quiboloy’s actions have earned him the attention of US federal prosecutors, who indicted him for these despicable crimes. And despite these violations so grotesque for a fellow Davaoeno, and a pastor at that, she throws spite for supposed “gross abuse of police power” when the authorities attempted to serve a warrant for his arrest.

It’s hardly surprising, though, considering the long-standing bond between Quiboloy and VP Sara’s father, former President Rodrigo Duterte. Quiboloy has been one of Duterte’s staunchest supporters, often using his influence and pulpit to advance Duterte’s political ambitions. In return, the pastor seemed to enjoy a shield of impunity during Duterte’s administration, with little to no scrutiny despite the mounting allegations against him.

So, as VP Sara Duterte now cries foul over the police operation, one must ask: Is this truly about protecting human rights, or is it about shielding a powerful ally from facing justice? The hypocrisy is palpable. The law should apply to all, no matter how close they are to the halls of power.

Besides, who are we kidding here when the issue of gross abuse of power is concerned? Let’s bring up her father’s vaunted war on drugs that killed thousands during his term as president from 2016 to 2022.

Heck, let’s even throw in Inday Sara’s free-wheeling use of government funds during her stint as Education secretary. What moral standing does our beloved VP really think she or her family has in taking the cudgels for the issue of human rights or safeguarding the people from abuse of power?

PNP’s defense

We can, perhaps, find some rationale in the response of the Philippine National Police (PNP) in this case. Gen. Rommel Francisco Marbil contends that the operation on the Quiboloy compound was legal and driven by the gravity of the charges against the wanted pastor.

The PNP Chief justified his deployment of a large police force on the back of the scale and complexity of the mission. Quiboloy’s compound is vast, and the risks are significant, particularly given the aggressive behavior of several of his followers.

Legally, the PNP is well within its rights to continue the operation as long as the warrants are unserved, claimed Marbil. Also, let’s not lose sight of the bottom line, here: Quiboloy must surrender!

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