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Leni Robredo has become a sad mechanical puppet and an embarrassment to Filipinos

Guess who has taken over Leila de Lima’s place on the anti-Duterte international speaking circuit?

Watch this video that Leni Robredo made for an international NGO event in Vienna tomorrow. Warning: this will REALLY make your blood boil. If you have vertigo, sit down and take a deep breath before watching.

You know what’s really sickening about this video? It’s not even the lies and exaggerations that Robredo is saying about what’s going on in the Philippines and how Pinoys feel about it (as if she’s in any position to speak for the Filipino people, who mostly hate her guts).

It’s the hollowness and emptiness of the way she mechanically reads from a script that obviously someone else wrote. She’s making huge claims about thousands of people being summarily killed by police, but her eyes and voice are absolutely empty of emotion or conviction. She’s just a puppet playing a role, who doesn’t even understand what she’s doing or saying, she’s just mindlessly following her owner’s instructions like a robot.

Speaker Alvarez, the number one drug lord is not the one in jail. There’s a new player. It’s the one in this video, and she’s a robot.

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