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Victims of drug-crazed addicts don’t get ‘trending’ hashtags like #JusticeForKian

For the past few days I was doing research on a few things like I said. A new FB friend sent me a message telling me about a Dad in Dumaguete who lost his only daughter to a drug crazed addict who used 7 knives to stab her and a friend in Siquijor last April. I did the research, read up on everything and his recent “upheavals”. I need not tell you all that I have no words to fully express how deeply this affects me because I am a single mom with a daughter too. His only daughter was even 3 – 4 months pregnant when she and her friend was mercilessly stabbed to death so many times by a drug addict.
Nino Pinero is a professor in Siliman University. He is a coach. Given what I have read about this gentleman, he is a very compassionate man, a loving father and being a coach to youngsters – deeply loved by his students. And I would like to give him his privacy in as much as I can. 100{4eb372af5551b576c332530d2213f76448bfdb9ba226f83bb200d1761ffb3785} respect for this man.
His recent “upheavals” came with the pronouncements of the CBCP against EJKs, Senators more inclined to protect drug addicts/ pushers and drug lords than victims and using a 17 yr old boy from Caloocan to further their political charades.
These two ladies received no rallies in their names. Senators never went to their wake. Priests never announced a tolling of the bells for them.
To lose a child… I have no words. I do not know how to reach out to Nino to comfort him even as my heart breaks for his loss.
But this much I can do for him and the countless number of victims murdered, raped, chopped up by drug addicts at the peak of their drug crazed hallucinations.
Being an addict is NOT a disease. It is a choice. So please, Senators, Priests and whoever thinks they have the moral high ground to preach to us – please do not romanticize  the ill-choices made by addicts. They are not disease-riddled assholes. They made a choice to become an addict and should be dealt with expeditiously. I personally prefer death to those caught red handed like the murderer who took Nino’s daughter from him.
Please do not put the welfare of criminals ahead of the victims nor their families. 
They are the VICTIMS here and that should have counted for something if you truly valued “life” because these are kids – with a bright future ahead of them, they had ambitions, they had parents who loved them, they had friends who adored them. And they were raped or murdered, or both – for no reason except the perpetrator was high on drugs. Yet you have the nerve to declare these addicts as “victims” of EJK. Ring church bells for them, go on TV with your onion infected pretentious “tears”, go on paid rallies proclaiming this war on drugs as a menace to society.
YOU are the menace to society.
Your lack of empathy to the families of those who are the real victims is offensive enough. Your apathy alone is telling of your political ambitions. It tells everyone what kind of a human being you truly are.
I don’t want to wish the same level of grief on you and your undeserving tribe but I do and I will. Because until you know first hand how it feels to have your heart literally torn out of your chest, to have the air knocked out of your lungs, when you can’t breath because its too painful to live without the people you love.. you will always side with criminals; because you are just like these addicts and pushers you protect. Criminals and a menace to all of us.
It is simply disgusting that you cannot even empathize with the real victims here and the families they left behind, all for your personal political agenda. 
As for these priests and the CBCP – you are a disgrace to the religion you represent. May church bells fall on your empty heads and crush your heartless souls.
For Nino Pinero and all the parents and relatives of real victims lost to drug addicts… we send our heartfelt love to all of you and hope, in someway, we’ve done our share of speaking up for those who are no longer with us.
Jenifer Aquino as posted on Facebook.

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