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Team Pacquiao Chief of Staff Filed a Complaint vs. Facebook User Who Posted Malicious Photo

Chief of Staff of MannyPacquiao filed a complaint against a Facebook user who posted a photo of Manny’s campaign car insinuated that the house in the background belongs to Pacquiao’s alleged mistress.

Jake Joson filed also a libel case against Lorraine Marie Badoy at the National Bureau of Investigation.

“Guess what I saw when I went on a run this morning in my village? Manny Pacquiao’s campaign car in front of his mistress’ house. (Jinkee, sa may bandang Soliven 3 corner Finland st. Yung mansion doon. Go, girl.),” said Badoy in the picture.

She adds,”It really is common knowledge who lives in that house on Soliven corner Finland: Manny pakyaw’s mistress.”

But the People’s Champ business manager,Arnold Vegafria denied the allegation affirming that the house she mentioned does not belong to the alleged mistress but to Pacquiao’s Chief of Staff Jake Joson.

On February 24,Jake on his instagram posted a photo with him beside a car with Manny’s campaign sticker saying,

“No filter! No lies! Just a simple truth.”

He added: “We can forgive, but we should give justice to all those people who maliciously make up stories to ruin our People’s Champ Manny Pacquiao’s name and my name.”

Lorraine Marie Badoy is the daughter of former Sandiganbayan Associate Justice Anacleto Badoy.

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